Episode 37

Ep. 37 - How To Instantly Dissolve Emotional Trauma and Disease

Published on: 14th October, 2022

Have you ever felt like you've tried everything possible to heal your long-term depression, anxiety, emotional trauma, pain and/or disease, but nothing worked?

The reason I've invited my beautiful guest Antonia Harman, an Emotional Trauma Expert and Renowned Healer, to my podcast, is because I've experienced first-hand her healing miracle in just one session. My anxiety about not being able to have a baby (that I was struggling with for many years) has totally disappeared, and the feeling of calmness and divine knowledge that this will come in its own time filled my whole body.

Over the decade, Antonia has healed and treated thousands of people around the world for a range of debilitating traumas ranging from chronic depression and anxiety to helping people unleash their own divine empowerment in one session.

Antonia believes that any negative feelings, emotions and thoughts can be broken down and dissolved, so people can be free on a path to happiness regardless of the trauma and pain they have previously been through.

Just for our listeners, Antonia is offering a special 20% off all her healing courses and programs by using the coupon code ANNA20 - https://www.divineempowerment.com/

You don't have to manage your disease, you can heal it! This has changed my life and this is the reason I wanted to share it with you!

About Antonia Harman:

Antonia is a multi-award-winning pioneer in the field of energy healing. She has spent nearly two decades developing cutting-edge magical techniques. Her profound, simple, and life-changing classes make her the go-to healer for many household names.

Antonia has helped tens of thousands of people and is a powerful voice in the well-being industry.

Antonia has appeared in over a hundred press articles globally and is best known for instantly dissolving emotional traumas.

To learn more about Antonia, check out her social media:

Website: https://www.divineempowerment.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/divineempowerment/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkqLI2DY0ChSjcvVUKdpRWQ

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/antonia_harman/

To find out more about Anna Ditchburn, head over here - https://linktr.ee/annaditchburn

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If you have someone in your life, who is struggling to overcome their trauma, this is something you can give them that truly can change the course of their life forever.

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About the Podcast

World's Best Trauma Recovery Podcast
How many people do you know whose life has been badly affected by trauma of any kind?

Did verbal, emotional, spiritual or worse abuse negatively affect you or someone you care about?

Do you know people who struggle with shame, pain and fear that hold them back from living a life of their dreams?

I do.

It was me.

It took my power away, limited my potential and nearly destroyed my life.

The fantastic news is it doesn't have to be this way.

Our traumas can now be used for good.

A lot of good in fact.

It’s a powerful source of inspiration for self-development, self-love and healing.


The World's Best Trauma Recovery podcast provides clear explanations, effective strategies and practical tools to help you to confront your darkest moments, neutralize the past traumas and discharge their negative impact on your life!

Do you want to…

🧘 Live authentically?
❤️ Connect deeply in your relationships?
🌺 Succeed with fulfillment?
🎤 Find your voice?
🚀 Unlock your unlimited financial potential?
💫 Create miracles in your life?

You’ve come to the right place.

Welcome to the show, welcome to the World's Best Trauma Recovery Podcast!

About your host

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Anna Ditchburn